Diary of events

23rd Jan: Christmas meal, all welcome!

6th Feb: Swishing party, come and swap good unwanted clothes, accessories, unwanted Christmas gifts. http://www.swishing.com

20th Feb: Mental health awareness and wellbeing.

6th March: International Women’s day event-The Vagina Monologues, tickets £6 proceeds to anti-sexual exploitation project.

20th March: Assertiveness training, helping us be more assertive in our lives.

3rd April: Zumba taster combined with a low impact core workout, suitable for all. www.zumba-oxford.co.uk



  1. Hi,
    Can we buy tickets on the door? Some of us would liketo come but we dont know how many.

  2. Yes there are tickets on the door.

  3. Hi everyone,

    I came to your brilliant Christmassy meal in January and loved it. Unfortunately my NCT classes have been on a Wednesday night and so since then so haven’t been able to make it.

    Babies about 3 weeks away so very much looking forward to coming back when i’m out and about. Hope you’re all well.

    Lots of love


  4. So Lovely to hear from you again! We really enjoyed having you at Women’s group!

    I wish you all the best for the arrival of your baby, and look forward to seeing you again soon! Remember babies are always welcome at the group too!!!!!

    Love Loretta X

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